How do I create a TikTok video?


How do I create a TikTok video? Did you say TikTok? I. The application II. TikTok filters III. Augmented reality Best practices How do I create a TikTok video? The latest trends Contact us What is TikTok? A TikTok filter lets you add content when you record a video with 2D and 3D elements.

Where can I find and how do I use Snapchat filters on Spotlight?

How to find and use a Snapchat filter on Spotlight How do I use a Snapchat filter on Spotlight? Where can I find Snapchat filters on Spotlight? Why use a Snapchat filter on Spotlight? Top 4 best Snapchat filters on Spotlight Contact us Spotlight is the feature launched by the Snapchat application to compete with TikTok. In fact, [...]

All about collaborative collections

What are collaborative collections on Instagram? Definition Create a collaborative collection on Instagram Add a post to a collaborative collection Find a collaborative collection Contact us Collaborative collections on Instagram: definition Recently, Instagram launched a new feature to share posts and content in a group or with a friend. The collections [...]

Snapchat and TikTok launch augmented reality filters for animals.

snapchat and tiktok launch augmented reality filters for animals

Snapchat and TikTok launch augmented reality filters for animals. Feature On Snapchat On TikTok Filters Trends Contact Us Social networks Snapchat and TikTok have recently developed a new feature for our best friends the animals: augmented reality filters. For dogs and cats alike, the new [...]

Find and use Facebook's augmented reality filters.

finding and using augmented reality filters on facebook

Find and use Facebook's augmented reality filters Contact us After announcing the arrival of stories, the social network Facebook offers the possibility to add augmented reality filters on its mobile application. Today, augmented reality is at the heart of virtual exchanges and is set to evolve in the years to come. It [...]

Snapchat: an augmented reality filter to learn sign language.

snapchat filter asl alphabet

Snapchat: an augmented reality filter to learn sign language Contact us Want to learn sign language? What if we told you that it is now possible thanks to augmented reality technology? That's the challenge that the Snapchat application set itself on World Sign Language Day.

Ray Tracing on Snapchat Lenses

Ray Tracing is available on Snapchat filters and makes 3D objects more realistic Contact Us What is Ray Tracing on Snapchat filters? Ray Tracing is a feature that allows light to be reflected off of 3D objects that have textures that allow it. Ray Tracing includes [...]

The benefits of augmented reality as a conversion lever

The benefits of augmented reality as a conversion lever on social networks Contact Us Snapchat released a report in partnership with Ipsos in late 2022 on the use of augmented reality (AR) as a marketing lever for brands. The report was based on a sample of over 24,000 people (13 to 44 years of age) and [...]

What is the difference between a Snapchat filter vs. a Lens?

snapchat filter vs lens

Snapchat filter vs Lens: what is the difference? Contact us Many people don't know the difference between snapchat filters and lenses and this can bring confusion. Some may say that they are not the same thing and yet they (almost) are. Snapchat filters vs. lenses When [...]

Can you use Snapchat filters on a computer?

Is it possible to use Snapchat filters on a computer? Contact us Snapchat filters are content that users are very interested in and that's why Snapchat wants to make them available on computers. The Snap Camera software to use Snapchat filters on a computer For a few years now, Snapchat has been releasing a software for [...].