The advantages of augmented reality as a conversion lever on social networks

benefits of augmented reality for brands

Snapchat has released a report in partnership with Ipsos The report was based on a sample of more than 24,000 people (13-44 years old) worldwide who use smartphones and social networks in their daily lives and who have been using augmented reality (AR) for years. The report was based on a sample of more than 24,000 people (13 to 44 years old) worldwide who use a smartphone and social networks in their daily lives. To complete the report, 1,000 employees of companies that have already integrated an AR experience into their communication campaign were surveyed.


The figures on benefits of augmented reality

Here you will find all the figures on the advantages of augmented reality as a conversion lever. We will therefore focus on the try-on filters and 3D visualization filters for branded products.

L'consumers' opinions on the benefits of augmented reality


6 out of 10 consumers now consider shopping to be their main reason for using AR. Filters are no longer entertaining filters, but practical and useful tools for consumers.


79% of consumers are interested in try-on and 3D visualisation in order to interact with the product and find out about its size and appearance. Augmented reality is therefore a way of reassuring consumers before they buy.


2 out of 3 consumers believe that augmented reality in the form of try-on and 3D visualisation can make the buying process more innovative and exciting.


94% of consumers who interacted with an AR experience of a product bought it. This means that augmented reality in the form of try on is a real conversion advantage for brands.


65% of consumers agree that augmented reality simplifies the shopping experience.

L'opinion of the brands on the benefits of augmented reality


4 out of 5 companies that use augmented reality for their products say that this new technology helps to accompany and convince new customers during the purchase. The try-on and 3D product visualization is an advantage for conversion as it allows to reach consumers who would not be able to go to the shops because of their location.


90% of brands believe that AR allows them to offer a wide range of products that consumers can try virtually. Thus, they no longer need to go to the shop to see how the product looks. It also allows to highlight products from the same range without having to offer them all in shop (especially for bulky products).


3 out of 5 e-commerce brands agree that augmented reality on social networks is an important lever in digital marketing.