Creation of Filters & Effects on Social Networks

We create your augmented reality filters for the biggest social networks: TikTok / Instagram / Snapchat

We Create your Filters on Social Networks

With our agency Filter Maker, you can create custom filters for social networks that reflect your brand image. Our agency supports you in creating your augmented reality filter available on Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Contact us if you want to learn more!

Our Support

1 - Brieffing

We will contact you to find an idea that meets your objectives and requirements.

2 - Design

We create the necessary designs and assets (2D & 3D) for you.

3 - Launching 

We develop your filter according to the agreed specifications.

4 - Debriefing

Once the filter has been developed, we take care of importing it into the desired social network.


Filter Maker supports the leading brands and agencies worldwide in their communication goals by creating filters on social media for their content marketing strategy.

Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok

The biggest Social Networks

Augmented reality filters and effects on social media are 15 times more engaging than traditional content. This way of interacting with the community is increasingly used by brands, especially for the 12-34 age group, which represents over 71% of Instagram's monthly active users. The filters are available on Instagram, Snapchat, and Tiktok and are used for communication and digital marketing actions.

We are an agency that supports the biggest brands worldwide in producing and advising on filters for social media platforms (Puma, McDonald's, Subway...). So, if you want to energize your digital marketing strategy, increase your visibility, and build customer loyalty, simply choose our agency and we will take care of the rest. Discover the various possibilities and tips to assist you in choosing the right filter for social media.

Generated Impressions
Created for Brands
Shares in Stories

Types of Filters

Face Animation

Face Animation filters available on TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are augmented reality effects that allow your brand to transform the user into the desired world. Integrate 2D/3D elements on his face, on his head. Transform his face as you wish.

Virtual try-on

We create your filters and effects that allow you to display your products in augmented reality. We model (structure and texturing) and create the necessary animations for the virality of the filter.

For example, you can target or retarget your customers with this effect. This allows you to create engaging content that will increase your conversion rate.

Immersive Packaging

Enhance your packaging with image recognition. Once the effect is opened on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, the algorithm will detect the packaging image and display animations related to it. These animations serve as additional call-to-action elements to encourage your community to purchase your products.

Augmented Reality Games

Boost the usage of your filters by creating viral animations through augmented reality games. We code within the algorithms of TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat to create games that can be played using head movements, eye blinking, mouth opening, and more.

+ 30%
Increased conversion
More time on the platform
+ 20%
Interaction with your content

Filters: A format that works

Over 500 million stories are posted every day on Instagram, with 1/3 of them being marketing content created by brands. Filters allow users to identify with the brand.

  • 5 times longer to discover the content 
  • 20% increase in shares
  • Increased conversion up to 30%

What are the benefits of engaging an agency to create your Social Media Filter?

Filters have become highly popular content on social media platforms. Indeed, they are a qualitative and innovative way to engage with the target audience of social networks, which is increasingly young and influential.

Quickly becoming popular and used by a large number of brands, creating and launching a filter requires genuine strategic and creative thinking following a specific editorial line in order to go viral. A specialized agency in filter creation for social media will support you throughout your project from A to Z, providing advice and personalized expertise.

Depending on your project and objectives, different activations are possible. An agency will assist you in creating your social media filter, particularly in monitoring your performance and achieving your goals.

Augmented reality is at the heart of filter creation. Indeed, it is necessary to have knowledge and skills in this field to develop a filter. During its creation, 2D/3D elements need to be created, as well as animations, to have a clear and precise sequence in the final filter. A specialized agency in filter creation can provide you with these skills and expertise that a traditional agency may not have.

Furthermore, the project management conducted by the agency allows you to be supported from beginning to end, and even after the publication of your filter. Indeed, our agency specialized in social media filter creation accompanies you in tracking your data and statistics to see the impact of your filter on social media as well as on your website. Thus, we help you understand and interpret this data to see what worked and what should be modified in the future.

Filter Maker works with 75% of clients on a long-term basis. Many brands rely on our agency for the creation of multiple filters, which clearly demonstrates the relevance of our expertise and the quality of the filters designed in accordance with your brand image.

Creating a Social Networking Filter: how to choose your Agency?

When selecting a social media filter agency, various criteria can be taken into account to make your choice. Here are some relevant criteria to consider:

The budget for creating a social media filter: You need to determine your budget allocated for creating your filter in order to communicate it to the agencies. Indeed, some agencies may not be willing to take on a project with a budget considered too small.

The agency's portfolio: It is interesting to look at the filters that have already been created by the agency. In fact, you can see based on what you want if the filter can potentially be created. It is clear that creating a filter requires specific skills and can be more or less complex.

Filter Maker is an agency specialized in creating social media filters. We have worked with the world's biggest brands. You can find these filters in our portfolio.

Skills and Technical Expertise: Traditional agencies usually outsource the creation of social media filters because they don't have in-house experts in social media filters. By choosing Filter Maker, we have the internal skills to create a high-quality filter that meets your expectations.


A social media filter is an augmented reality content that allows you to integrate virtual elements into the real world and interact with this content. They are currently the most widely used augmented reality content, as social media platforms have successfully popularized the use of AR effects. Thus, it is a content format similar to a photo or video, but even more engaging and capable of generating user-generated content (UGC).

Currently most of the major social networks use filters, such as from Instagram, Snapchator TikTok. This helps to generate retention on these platforms as well as engagement, as the user will generally apply the filter to themselves.

It will depend on the social media platform on which we will create the effect. In general, there are four types of effects on social media.

- Face Animation Filters: This is the ability to integrate virtual elements (2D or 3D) onto the users' faces. These elements can be animated or static and may or may not interact with the user.

- 3D Product Visualization Filter: This allows you to visualize your product in 3D within its environment before making a purchase. For Instagram and Facebook, this is currently limited to placing elements on the floor (plain tracker). As mentioned earlier, Snapchat will offer more advanced features by integrating foot tracker, hand tracker, or body tracker.

- Immersive Packaging Filter: The algorithms of social media platforms are able to recognize pre-recorded elements within the algorithm to trigger an animation. This can animate a POS display, packaging, or even a business card on social media through a filter.

- Augmented Reality Games Filter: Creating games allows to gamify the user experience on social media. The objective is to interact virtual elements (3D or 2D) with the user's movements to offer fun content.

Our agency, Filter Maker, will be able to help you create filters/effects on InstagramFacebook via the Spark AR software. Also on Snapchat via the Lens Studio software. Recently, it is possible to make filters on TikTok thanks to the " Effect House" .

Filters on social networks can have different purposes:

- Promoting something: Whether it's to enhance brand awareness (brand content) or for a specific activation (e.g., promoting a product launch, employer branding, event, etc.), creating filters on social media provides unique and engaging content to offer.

- Increase conversion: Filters on social media are relevant solutions to increase conversion for these products. This often works with 3D product visualization, which allows users to have a realistic preview of the product.

- Conduct a drive to store action: Immersive content is highly engaging and sought after by users. We have implemented numerous drive to store actions where the centerpiece of the campaign was filters on social media. This digital strategy represents one of the drivers for customer loyalty through social content.

Once your filter is published, it is necessary to promote it. For this purpose, there are different methods depending on your objectives, which we present on our activation page.

  • 1st method: To promote your filter, it is already important to use a strategy and social media in the right way. Communicate with stories, integrate featured stories, create publications to promote the effect, with an editorial calendar, etc.
  • 2nd method: A relevant activation in some cases is to organize a contest where the filter is the tool to participate. This activation helps increase the number of shares and naturally the number of impressions of the filter.
  • 3rd method: For drive-to-store campaigns or in magazines, for example, it is possible to integrate QR codes on physical elements that directly link to the effects' URL.
  • 4th method: To quickly promote your filter at its launch, engaging influencers can increase the number of impressions for your effects, boosting the launch of your campaign.
  • 5th method: Whether on Instagram/Facebook or on Snapchat, it is possible to integrate the filter as an "advertisement" rather than community-based. This method allows for differentiated ad content compared to photo or video content.

The price of a filter on social networks varies depending on the service. It ranges from $1,000 to $30,000. If you want to learn more, feel free to visit our page: Filter Prices.

To create filters on social networks, different expertise is required. Whether it's 2D graphic design using Adobe Suite, 3D design using software like Blender, or motion design using Cinema 4D. This already encompasses a range of software that needs to be mastered to create assets for your own social media effects. For creating the filter itself, you can use Spark AR for filters on Facebook and Instagram, or Lens Studio for Snapchat filters.

Filters and effects on social media are located in different places depending on the application where the filters will be available. We have created dedicated pages to find filters on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok.

The development time of a filter on social networks depends on the complexity of the production. The filter development can range from 2 days to 1 month, but typically it takes between 1 and 2 weeks.

It will be possible to find the statistics of your filter for Facebook and Instagram on the Spark AR Hub, for Snapchat on My Lenses Snapchat Insight. The available statistics will include:

- Impressions

- Open

- The recordings

- Captures

- Sharing

Recently, Snapchat and Instagram have provided the ability to obtain information about the audience of people using filters on social networks, such as gender, age group, country, etc.

Depending on the nature of the campaign and its target audience, certain social networks will be more relevant than others. For example, to reach a young audience and generate viral content, it is interesting to publish filters on Snapchat. For drive-to-store actions targeting a broader audience, publishing the effect on Facebook and Instagram will be relevant and contribute to improving your online reputation.

It is not necessary to go through an agency to publish a filter on social networks. All augmented reality creation software (except TikTok) is open source. Moreover, it requires skills in various domains (2D, 3D, Motion, AR Development, etc.). We have created a page if you want to learn how to create a filter on Instagram or Snapchat.

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