Augmented reality games

Animate your community by offering them augmented reality game filters available on TikTok / Instagram / Snapchat.

AR Games filters

Offer your community interactive animations by creating immersive and playful content. This is possible thanks to the augmented reality filters available on the social networks Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok.

AR Games filters

We design animations for our clients in the form of 2D or 3D games. The user will be able to interact with the movements of the face, the opening of the mouth or the blinking of the eyes. The game filter can take the form of Quizzes, races, etc.. We can imagine anything. 

This new form of interactive content allows the user to be up to 20 times more involved in the augmented reality effect by moving in front of the smartphone camera. AR game filters are available on TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat.

The games are 100% customisable, so it's very easy for a brand to create a game with its image and for users to recognise the brand without actually seeing the logo appear on their screen.


Augmented reality is revolutionising the world of entertainment and social media by offering a new immersive video-game experience. Instagram, Tiktok and Snapchat filters are content marketing tools that can be used to create innovative, fully personalised augmented reality games, for a unique, interactive gaming experience. Creating an augmented reality game using a filter on platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok or Snapchat can offer a number of advantages.

First of all, augmented reality filters are an excellent way of promoting your brand, enhancing your marketing strategy and reaching your target audience. Augmented reality games created with Instagram, Tiktok or Snapchat filters can be personalised with your logo and brand charter, reinforcing your image while offering a fun and interactive gaming experience for users and prospects.

Augmented reality filters can also be shared on different social network interfaces via outputs, posts or other means, allowing your brand to be widely distributed. These different levers are an excellent way to boost your digital strategy via different social media content.

In addition, AR games offer an immersive and engaging gaming experience. Instagram, Tiktok or Snapchat filters allow players to immerse themselves in a captivating virtual world. Users can interact with their environment, play engaging games and discover new products or services in a fun way by including products in the real world through their screen and camera.

Also, AR games  can be an excellent way to bring a product to the forefront in a content marketing strategy. Indeed, after playing with the product in question in the virtual world, users can be stimulated with a buy button and taken to an e-commerce website to buy the product in question.

In short, creating an augmented reality game using an Instagram, Tiktok or Snapchat filter can offer a number of benefits, such as increased brand awareness & e-reputation, an immersive and engaging game experience for your audience and targets, as well as an acquisition relay for your brand's e-commerce website. 

Including this type of effect in your digital marketing mix & communication strategy is also an excellent way of building loyalty among a type of prospect that you might not have reached via traditional marketing and other channels such as natural referencing via search engines, an adwords strategy or a classic content strategy with a simple editorial line.

Moreover, mini-games on filters are also a very good way to generate a prolonged contact between the brand and new customers. They are therefore an excellent medium to have a relevant return on investment and an increased conversion rate, all while placing loyalty at the heart of the E marketing strategy.


An AR game makes it easier for the user to find a goal in the proposed filter. The challenging and fun aspect of the game will make your community want to play with the filter for longer.

100% customisable

Filters on social networks allow a great deal of creative freedom. That's why it's possible to invent a game that matches your brand to stand out from your competitors!

Increase your address

An AR game can go viral if it meets the expectations of your community.

Longer use

A user will spend 5 times more time discovering augmented reality content than traditional content. This increases if it is an AR game. 

Generated Impressions
Created for Brands
Shares in Stories


It is possible to do everything! The only limit is your imagination, the policy of the social networks (no violence, firearms, alcohol etc...) as well as the maximum size of the file according to the chosen social network.

The rates depend on the brief provided by our client. Please feel free to submit your ideas via the quote form for further details.

Augmented reality is a technology that continues to evolve. It offers companies a more subtle way to project users into their brand world. More fun and attractive than traditional content, users are more likely to play along and transmit your brand image more easily.

Our experts can create any AR game. It all depends on your ideas and the time frame for creation. It could be a quiz, a reactivity game or a speed game.

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