Create your own filters with Spark AR GO

spark ar go application

Create your own filters with Spark AR GO Contact us At the Connect 2021 conference on 28 October, Meta announced the launch of a simplified and intuitive augmented reality effects creation mobile application for iOS. The application, originally announced as Polar, has recently been renamed to align with the brand image already developed [...].

Tik Tok launches a new filter creation platform

new filter creation platform from tiktok

TikTok launches a platform for creating augmented reality effects Contact us The TikTok application, well known for its short-format videos, is entering the augmented reality race. Until now, the platform has not allowed users to create their own TikTok filters in augmented reality, but the Chinese giant is now looking to add value to the [...].

5 Snapchat filter trends

top 5 snapchat filters

Snapchat releases its Filters / Lenses Trend Report Try on Pushing Boundaries Snapchat Must-Have Filters Engaged Filters Music Lenses Contact Us Snapchat has released its first Snapchat Filter Trend Report of the year. You can find the most used filters and the ones that [...]

Instagram releases its first Trendreport on 2022 trends

instagram trends 2022

Instagram releases its first TrendReport on 2022 trends Contact Us To help better understand and analyse upcoming trends on Instagram, the social network has released its first TrendReport edition to highlight the topics of interest to Generation Z in 2022. The report is based on a survey conducted by YPulse in October 2021 with [...]

Instagram badges to support creators who do live shows

instagram badges for lives

Instagram badges to support creators who do live shows and monetise their content Contact us To encourage and support creators, the application has launched Instagram badges that allow the community to donate money during live shows. Instagram badges: reserved for creators During an initial test phase, these badges will be [...]

Spark AR creator: the new certification for Instagram filter creators

spark ar creator certification

Spark AR Creator: certification for Instagram filter creators Contact us To develop and improve the quality of filters and meet the needs of brands, Spark AR has launched an online course with a certificate giving Spark AR creators greater visibility. The online courses [...]

Xiaomi displays an augmented reality ad at the Paris Opera

xiaomi augmented reality advertising

Xiaomi displays an augmented reality advert at the Paris Opera Contact us Until the end of November, Xiaomi will be displaying an augmented reality advert on one of the walls of the Paris Opera building. It's an immersive experience that showcases Xiaomi's new smartphone. Using a QR code, passers-by are redirected to [...].

You can find recipes with Snapchat

recipes on snapchat

Snapchat: you can now cook using the scanner in the Contact us application Using augmented reality to develop your brand has become an important and interesting lever for action. AR can be used to create a direct link with web users, generating commitment and a sense of belonging among customers. Snapchat, [...]

Snapchat's new try-on filter for trying on clothes

try-on snapchat filter

Giftshop: Snapchat's new try-on filter for trying on clothes Contact us Since the pandemic, e-commerce has become even more iconic and essential for everyone. And the social networks have been quick to understand: e-commerce is a market not to be missed. Instagram and Facebook have both come up with solutions for integrating e-commerce [...].

Niantic is confident that the metaverse will be in augmented reality

niantic metaverse

For Niantic, the metaverse will be augmented reality Contact us Facebook recently announced that it was changing the name of the group (Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp) to Meta in order to offer a virtual reality metaverse. However, Niantic, the company specialising in augmented reality games, does not see the future in the same way. For Niantic, [...]