Instagram badges to support creators who do live shows and monetise their content

To encourage and support creators, the application has launched badges Instagram that allow the community to donate money when live performances.

Instagram badges: for creators only

During a first test phase, these badges were only available to certain creators that Instagram had chosen according to precise criteria. This first test lasted a year and a half but now the badges are available to all influencers who fill out a form and meet the eligibility criteria. When a creator is eligible, their community can buy badges directly during the live event to support them. 
There are 3 separate badges: a 0.99$ badge, a 1.99$ badge and a 4.99$ badge and are displayed with one, two or three hearts next to the person who gave the badge. 
To encourage viewers to donate badges, Instagram highlights donors when they comment during the live stream and their name will appear in a list that the creator can view for 90 days.

Instagram badges

In order to reassure everyone, Instagram has assured that it will not take a commission on badges until 2023 to allow this practice to be democratised on the social network. As you may have noticed, this new feature is based on the Twitch principle, which makes it easier for creators to make a living from their passion and to create more qualitative content on a regular basis.


How do I get access to Instagram badges?

As with any launch phase, it is best to focus on a single geographic area with a small sample of people to analyse and optimise the feature. For example, for now Instagram badges are only available in the US and to selected creators. 

To access the badges, one must live in the country, be over 18 years old, have a creator or business account and have at least 10,000 followers. In addition, the creator must also agree to Instagram's policies and guidelines including partner monetisation policies, content monetisation policies and community guidelines. 
The creator who meets all these criteria can then go to their professional dashboard and activate Instagram badges to monetise their lives.

For the time being, the badges are available in France, the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Australia, Turkey, Brazil and Mexico by invitation only from Instagram.