Discover Castorama's Immersive Catalogue: A Revolution in Augmented Reality

Digitalisation is transforming every aspect of our daily lives, and Castorama, an undisputed leader in DIY and home improvements, is taking a significant step forward. With the launch of its immersive catalogueenhanced by augmented reality, Castorama is redefining the customer experience in the home decoration and interior design sector. The move, orchestrated by Romain Roulleau, Director of Digital Strategy at Kingfisher France and CDO of Castorama France, marks a turning point in the company's omnichannel strategy, harmonising the customer's experience with that of and in-store shopping experience.

Castorama's Immersive Catalogue: A Revolution in Augmented Reality

Castorama, a pioneer in the integration of augmented reality technology, is ushering in a new era with its immersive catalogue. In partnership with the French start-up Nfinite, which specialises in the digitisation of product catalogues, Castorama is offering an immersive, interactive catalogue. immersive experience to its customers. From the beginning of November, consumers can simply scan their QR code on flyers, the website or in-store, project more than 2,000 decorating products in their own space. This innovation allows customers to visualise the size, style and colour of products directly in their own home, offering unprecedented personalisation and reassurance in their decorating choices.

castorama immersive catalogue with qr code

This major advance not only transforms the shopping experience, but also enriches Castorama's online content. With digitally modelled products, Castorama's website can now offer a multitude of mood visuals, allowing customers to play with different styles and colours. For example, a customer considering redoing the floor and walls of a room can experiment with different parquet floors and paint colours, visualising the impact of each choice in real time.


Improved customer experience thanks to Castorama's Immersive Catalogue

Castorama's adoption of the immersive catalogue is revolutionising the way customers interact with interior design products. This cutting-edge technology allows users to easily project themselves into their future interior design, removing the uncertainties often associated with the purchase of decoration products. Thanks to augmented realityNow customers can visualise how different products would fit into their living space, in terms of size, style and colour. This precise visualisation helps them to make informed decisions, reducing the risk of post-purchase dissatisfaction.

What's more, the immersive catalogue encourages a more interactive and engaging shopping experience. Customers can play with different decorating configurations, experimenting with different styles of wallpaper or paint colours to find the perfect match for their interior. This transforms product research into a fun and creative experience, strengthening customer engagement with the brand.

Digital innovations beyond Castorama's Immersive Catalogue

In addition to its immersive catalogue, Castorama continues to push back the boundaries of digital innovation. A notable example is the online made-to-measure paint service, which transposes the in-store colour customisation experience to a digital platform. Customers can now choose or send a photo of the desired colour and place an order online, benefiting from fast delivery from the nearest shop. This service extends Castorama's accessibility to those who live more than 30km from a shop, offering a convenient and bespoke solution.

At the same time, Castorama is exploring the circular economy through its partnership with Backmarket for a second-hand online shop. This initiative is part of a sustainable and omnichannel approach, proposing an offer that is also available in-store. This project underlines Castorama's commitment to more responsible and sustainable business practices.

The Future of Castorama: Integrating Generative AI

Castorama is actively exploring the possibilities offered by generative AI, positioning itself at the forefront of innovation in the retail sector. This technology, which is attracting a great deal of interest from retailers, opens up a vast field of possibilities in terms of product management and presentation. Romain Roulleau, Castorama's CDO, highlights the enormous potential of generative AI in transforming their offer and the way products are presented and sold.

The integration of AI into visual search and recommendation tools is already underway. Castorama is working on integrating generative AI in several areas, anticipating to present impressive innovations soon. This illustrates Castorama's commitment to staying at the forefront of technology, constantly seeking to improve the customer experience and revolutionise the way products are offered and sold.

In conclusion, Castorama's immersive catalogue, enhanced by augmented reality, represents a major breakthrough in retail, offering an unprecedented customer experience in terms of personalisation and visualisation. Castorama's ongoing innovation, including bespoke online paint services and circular economy initiatives, confirms its commitment to digitalisation and sustainability. With the exploration of generative AI, Castorama is positioning itself not only as a market leader, but also as a visionary, constantly redefining the shopping experience and responding with agility to changing consumer needs. Castorama's digital transformation shows how innovation can shape the future of retail, improving both customer experience and operational efficiency.