Kikikicks uses augmented reality with virtual fitting

kikikicks uses augmented reality to improve customer experience

Kikikicks uses virtual fitting to improve customer experience Contact us Kikikicks is a French brand offering unique pairs of sneakers. Followed by trainer lovers and enthusiasts, its main aim is to offer its customers authentic products and quality service. In order to offer a unique experience for Black Friday week, Kikikicks is [...]

How to create a Snapchat filter with Lens Web Builder

create snapchat filter with lense web builder

How do I create a sponsored Lens on Snapchat with Lens Web Builder? Step 1: Go to Lens Web Builder Step 2: Create a new Snapchat filter Step 3: Customise your Lens Step 4: Finalise the Snapchat filter Step 5: Create the ad Contact us Snapchat recently released a [...].

Niantic buys 8th Wall to complement their augmented reality offering

Niantic and augmented reality

Niantic acquires 8th Wall to establish itself on the augmented reality market Contact us On 10 March 2022, Niantic publicly announced the acquisition of 8th Wall. The aim of this move is to secure a leading position in the augmented reality market. Niantic: the augmented reality specialist Niantic is a leading [...]

Extinct species with augmented reality

species on the brink of extinction in increased reality

See a sabre-toothed tiger with just a few clicks of your smartphone? AR makes it possible! Contact us What if you could use your smartphone to discover extinct species such as a tiger, a mammoth or an elephant in just a few clicks? It's crazy, but it's possible thanks to augmented reality. It can be used on a variety of [...]

Immersive experience: augmented reality proves its worth

immersive experience

Augmented reality advertising is more immersive than traditional advertising Contact Us To support augmented reality advertising offerings on Snapchat, the social network conducted an international consumer study to analyse the quality of an immersive experience based on the type of content offered. What does an immersive experience mean? For [...]

Tutorial: How to add a Spark AR Manager?

spark ar manager

Tutorial: How do I add a Spark AR Manager? Contact us When you create an Instagram or Facebook filter, you need to connect to the Spark AR Hub platform to publish it. However, it is also possible to add a Spark AR manager to this platform to enable it to publish for you and manage your filters.

The phygital - 5 marketing operations


Phygital: 5 examples of marketing operations 1- Mobile applications and advertising posters 2- Immersive catalogue 3- 3D representation 4- Interactive kiosk in shop 5- Postal letters Contact us What is phygital? This term refers to the fact of combining the digital world with the physical world: phy(sic)(di)gital. This technique is part of an omnichannel approach, i.e. the use of a digital [...]

Top 5 social networking trends in 2022

hootsuite's top 5 social media trends

Hootsuite Report: What are the top 5 social media trends for 2022? Contact us Hootsuite has released its sixth report outlining the top 5 social networking trends for 2022. Thanks to the analysis of 18,000 marketers, this report highlights behaviours and new rules. So what are the [...]

New Instagram update in development on stories

developing stories on instagram

New Instagram update in development for stories Contact us More and more sophisticated features thanks to updates After integrating likes on stories, Instagram is continuing to make updates to its features to make the application more personalised and enjoyable for users. In early 2022, [...]

AR web would make e-commerce more fun for 34% of Americans

web ar

The AR web would make e-commerce more fun for 34% of Americans Contact us YouGov released a study on 18 February 2022 on Americans' opinions of the AR web in e-commerce. Although this study only concerns Americans, it gives us an idea of how the global market for augmented reality will evolve in the next few [...].