How do I get TikTok AI filters?

On Tiktok, the virality is the key element. The platform allows anyone to create and explore new concepts. Creativity is therefore a key element in promoting yourself and being visible, whether you are a novice or an experienced designer. Each scenario imagined allows you to find new ways of communicating and interact.

This virality means that many trends are born and explode very quickly. This is how the AI morphing has very recently appeared on the platform.
It's a trend that's been making the headlines recently: AI Filters that morph your face. The results are often extremely fun and give rise to some very funny videos. If you too would like to take part in this trend and create augmented reality content using these effects, here's a step-by-step guide to help you use these filters effectivelyt and produce videos with viral potential!


How to use AI filters on TikTok :

AI filters applied to the face are available directly from the TikTok application, making them very easy to use.

To access it, follow these simple steps:

screenshot from an iphone with a focus on tiktok app

1. Open TikTok.

Screenshot of the tiktok app, arrow pointing on the camera button

2. Click on the plus button to open the camera.

screenshot of the tiktok app, arrow pointing to the effect tab

3. Press the effects button

Screenshot of the tiktok app, arrow pointing the the research bar on the effect tab

4. Press the magnifying glass to perform a search

Screenshot of the tiktok app, arrow pointing to the research bar, typing text "AI Yearbook".

5. Search for "AI" and scroll down until you find a filter you like. For example, the "AI Yearbook" filter

Screenshot of the tiktok app, arrow pointing to the model adjusting his face with the template

6. Select the filter and adjust your face so that it fits perfectly into the model & wait during the countdown for a photo to be taken.

Screenshot of the tiktok app, result of an AI filter "Ai yearbook".

7. Wait for the magic to happen and your result to load.

Some effects using artificial intelligence may ask you to fill in a text field to describe your desired environment. In this case, simply enter a text describing the world in which you want to appear.

Now you're ready to share the results of this filter on video with your community!

How do you make a viral video using the AI Filter?

Here are some tips and advice for create videos viruses using TikTok's AI filters:

The use of TikTok AI filters on your phone can be great fun and a great way of expressing your creativity and personality. However, there are a few recommendations that can help you get the most out of it and create incredible videos.

Here are a few examples:

1. Use hashtags and keywords to appear in as many search results as possible.

Users consult and explore content on tiktok by searching for keywords related to a particular theme or niche. So if you want to appear in the results for the "AI Yearbook" filter, all you have to do is mention #Aiyearbook or #yearbook to be pushed by the algorithm into the results for this subject.

2. experiment with different parameters and combinations.

Another way to spice up your videos is to experiment with different settings in these filters. For example, you can try a new prompt if the filter allows you to, to generate a new, even more fun result. You can also mix different filters to create completely unique videos. For example, you can use the 'AI Yearbook' and combine the background effect with the green AI background to overlay it.

3 Add sound or music.

Adding music or sounds to a tiktok video can really grab the attention of the user watching your video and encourage them to view more content on your account.

4 Share your creations with your friends and subscribers:

Share your creations with your friends and followers on TikTok and other social media platforms. This way you can get comments, likes, views and followers.

5. work with other users.

Working in collaboration with other creators on TikTok can significantly expand your audience. By collaborating with users who share similar interests or a common target audience, you have the opportunity to reach their subscribers and vice versa. This collaboration can increase the visibility of your content and expand your community.

You can also take part in challenges, competitions or trends that involve the use of filters and showcase your skills and talent.