The Cambria project: Meta develops its mixed reality headset!

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of MetaThe company recently shared a demonstration video of the brand's next augmented reality headset. The famous Cambria project continues its development and reveals little by little the proposed functionalities.

A top-of-the-range helmet

After the Oculus Quest 2Meta is developing its new high-end virtual reality/mixed reality headset. The development of this headset was announced at the Facebook Connect conference in October 2021 under the name Project Cambria. 

A presentation video shows the main features of the future headset. In particular, we discover that colour transparency will be integrated in order to interact with the objects present in the virtual experience lived by the users. In concrete terms, this "passing colour version" allows users to visualise their hands and interact with them in a virtual world. To update these functionalities, Meta relies in particular on its virtual reality platform presented last December. This demo video highlights the new headset's performance, particularly in terms of colour and high-resolution sensors. These new features bring a real plus by offering an improved and optimised mixed reality experience. Meta even characterises this project as "completely new" and "high-end". Thus, the objective is to offer a more realistic adventure and not only a virtual one as it can be with the Oculus Quest 2. 


This new product is also intended to take the place of computers or workstations, according to Meta, by becoming a "portable computer for the face". The headset can therefore be used for a variety of purposes, from games to remote work, in other words, a new technology that combines productivity and pleasure. The group's development goals are clearly announced: to offer a revolutionary product while becoming a major player in the metaverse. Indeed, the Cambria project is part of the group's metaverse mission. No date has yet been communicated, but the Cambria project could be launched next September. 

A competitive market

À At the cutting edge of technology, many brands are launching one after the other into connected glasses. As the market becomes increasingly competitive, market players need to stand out and offer increasingly unique and immersive quality experiences. 

This is particularly true of Snapchat, which is constantly developing its range. The Spectacles 3 allows users to take photos, film in 3D and add augmented reality effects. This new generation therefore integrates 3D and augmented reality to offer users an optimised experience.

Other companies are also embarking on the adventure of augmented reality, such as the Chinese start-up Nreal. Marketed in the United Kingdom, these augmented reality glasses allow users to view films, series or video games in high quality. Numerous features are offered, such as screen sharing with a smartphone or the possibility of using the glasses outside the home. 

Google is not to be outdone with these glasses. The group announced at a conference for developers a prototype of glasses integrating augmented reality. Following on from the Google Glass, which was designed for professionals, Google is continuing to invest in augmented reality with the announcement of a new prototype. But what are they for? They allow users to have a translation in real time by combining AI, machine learning and translation tools. With this project, Google wants to demonstrate the usefulness of augmented reality in our daily lives, especially here to overcome the language barrier.