New Apple Keynote features

apple keynote

A look back at the announcements from the latest Apple Keynote Contact us Apple has just announced the release of its new operating system, version IOs 15.4, for iPhone and iPad. So what are the latest features and products? We tell you all about it! New Apple products Apple announced at its [...]

New Instagram features

new instagram features

What are the new features of Instagram? Contact us Launched in 2010, Instagram is the 3rd most popular social network in the world, excluding messaging networks. It has 1.2 billion active users worldwide: an impressive figure! Specific algorithm, timeline, short format for videos... Numerous features and updates have been added to [...].

Augmented reality: a certification for Snapchat

snapchat and certification for augmented reality

Snapchat launches augmented reality certification Contact us Snap Focus is an educational portal. Its aim is to help agencies and marketers set up advertising products and learn more about the general functions of the application. For example, Snapchat has introduced its first augmented reality certification. The benefits of [...]