We accompany you in the creation of filters on TikTok

Develop activations and your brand content with our TikTok Filter agency/studio

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We Create your Augmented Reality TikTok Filters

With our Filter Maker agency you can create a TikTok filter that reflects your brand. Our agency listens to you and helps you create your effect. Find out more about the process we put in place for our customers.

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Our Support

1 - Listening to your goals

We discuss with you to define your goals and the TikTok filter briefs.

2 - Creation

We create the necessary assets and designs according to your goals, brand image, and marketing strategy.

3 - Publication

After your approval, we publish your filter on your TikTok account.

4 - Debrief

At the end of the campaign, we analyze the performance of the TikTok filter to offer you even more effective content.


We create high-performing Instagram filters for the biggest brands and agencies around the world. Our team of experts accompanies each client to provide guidance and ensure the success of their desired communication objectives.

TikTok: the unique platform for brands.

TikTok is one of the most widely used social media platforms worldwide, with over 600 million monthly active users. It is the most downloaded app in the world, and 41% of users are between 16 and 24 years old.

The goal of this application is to create short videos, and TikTok does not want to limit the ideas of creators. This allows brands to create content that reflects their image on the most popular social network among young people.

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TikTok in a few figures

This application is the 2nd most downloaded mobile app in the world with an average time spent of 17 hours per month. This is double the time spent on Instagram and Snapchat. An opportunity with a potential audience of 15 million users.

25 million businesses have already embraced TikTok, why not you?

  • 90% of users go on TikTok more than once a day
  • 83% of users say that TikTok played a role in their purchase decision.


...Allowing them to discover new products or brands on TikTok for 67% of them.

The possibilities TikTok filter


Offer interactive content thanks to the animation side (2D and 3D elements). Add animations that will allow your filter to go viral. Take users on a journey through your world

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Thanks to the algorithm, TikTok filters can display an element in a completely random way. This TikTok filter makes it possible to offer ever more original and engaging content.


3D modeling and texturing of your products to integrate them in AR. We can add information or animations in AR. Try-on is a crucial lever for e-commerce.


Via image recognition, we can enhance and animate your packaging. These TikTok filters unlock the image tracker that will transform the atmosphere of the room and animate it.

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Offer your community fun and entertaining content with AR games! It's a great way to make your subscribers interact easily and to offer original content.

TikTok filters: a powerful lever for brands.

Get closer to your community

TikTok offers user-generated content that can be humorous, creative, artistic, or informative. The open access to the TikTok filter creation software allows brands to provide resources to users to enhance the quality of content. By creating an original TikTok filter, you can share your universe with users.


Increase the visibility of your brand

With over 1 billion users and creators per month on TikTok, don't miss your chance! Offering a branded TikTok filter that reflects your image helps increase your visibility through the viral nature of content on the social platform. TikTok's algorithm provides an opportunity for any account, which is a great advantage for brands!

Creating a TikTok filter allows you to offer an original branded content that creators can easily use and distribute on TikTok.

Offer interactive digital content

TikTok brings together a highly engaged and active community on the social network. It's a place where brands can easily communicate with their followers. A TikTok filter helps increase interaction with your community by launching a trend or hashtag, for example, through your effect.

A user will spend 5 times more time engaging with augmented reality content than with traditional content or advertisements.

+ 30%
Increased conversion
More time on the platform
+ 20%
Interaction with your content

Brand Content

Use a TikTok filter for your brand content objectives. The virality of the effects will help you gain visibility and maintain a regular presence on social media. Invite users to embark on a journey into your brand's world and thereby foster loyalty within your community by creating content that resonates with your target audience.


Augmented reality on TikTok is content that you can use for specific activations that users love. Establishing a strategy for the launch of the filter provides important insights. What's more, creating a communication strategy that incorporates a TikTok filter will give you a good return on investment.

Product launch

You can promote your products through TikTok filters, for example, by offering 3D product visualization (try-on) in the future buyer's environment. This enhances the user experience and optimizes your e-reputation through a digital strategy that differs from traditional marketing.

Promote an Event

Create a TikTok filter to promote your events. Whether it's for on-site entertainment or as a teaser on the big day, it's content that's perfectly suited to different activities during the event. Participants can then share stories with the TikTok effect you've created.

Generated Impressions
Created for Brands
Shares in Stories

Why go through an agency to create a TikTok filter?

A TikTok filter is a significant lever to boost brand presence on the social network. Engaging with a specialized TikTok filter agency is crucial to help you create a project that works. Not all filters are meant to go viral on TikTok, so it's important to think about a relevant activation and a filter style that aligns with your goals to ensure its virality. The role of the agency is to guide brands throughout this process.

Moreover, the production of a TikTok filter requires the use of specific software and various technical skills. First, it's necessary to create the 2D and 3D assets to integrate them into the software for animation and interaction. The TikTok filter creation software, Effect House, is an augmented reality tool that requires a significant amount of practice to achieve desired effects. That's why it can be challenging to undertake this project internally as the individuals responsible for the creation would spend too much time on it.

At Filter Maker, we collaborate with 75% of our clients in the long term. It's very rare for us to produce just one filter for our clients, which demonstrates the relevance of our expertise in creating TikTok filters.

Lastly, we systematically offer regular reporting on the performance of your TikTok filters to support you in understanding and analyzing these statistics.

How to choose an agency to create your TikTok filter?

When choosing an agency to create a TikTok filter, it's important to consider several criteria:

Your project budget: Depending on internal costs, team size, and facilities, some agencies may not work below a certain budget.

The agency's portfolio: Depending on the complexity of the TikTok filter you want to create, some agencies will have more experience and expertise. If the filter requires specific technical skills or if your marketing campaign is ambitious, it is advisable to choose an experienced agency. This is the case with Filter Maker, as we are the leading agency in TikTok filter creation and collaborate with major international brands.

Technical expertise: Many traditional agencies outsource the creation of filters to agencies like ours. They usually lack the in-house expertise or time for it. That's why we work directly with major brands and also collaborate with large agencies.


TikTok has become the social network where young people have a strong presence. A brand that is visible on TikTok can therefore reach a target that is inaccessible on other channels in a fun way. The codes and values on TikTok are different from those on other social networks, and offering an engaging, hard-hitting filter allows your brand to get closer to users by offering them a challenge based on the effect you've just created, for example. Integrating an Instagram filter into your digital marketing has become very important for community management, even in the B2b sector. In fact, a content strategy can be a relevant way of improving your digital communication and attracting more prospects and therefore increasing your conversion rate.
Effect House is the software for creating TikTok filters. This software requires skills in 2D/3D design as well as filter development and logic.
To create a TikTok filter, you first need to create 2D or 3D assets to integrate into the filter. For this, there are software tools like Adobe Suite to create high-quality 2D or 3D elements. Next, you will need to download Effect House, the TikTok filter creation software, on your computer. After integrating your assets, you need to animate your filter to bring it to life by choosing various trackers such as the hand tracker, head tracker, and more. Once you're done, simply publish it on the TikTok platform.
The price of a TikTok filter depends, as on all other social media platforms, on the complexity and assets to be integrated into the filter. To give you an idea of the price range, please visit our explanatory page on rates and prices.
Using a TikTok filter creation agency can help reduce the project's creation time as experts will create your filter. Additionally, an agency will be by your side throughout the project to address your questions. Finally, a TikTok filter creation agency is specialized in filters, as the name suggests. Therefore, you can benefit from the agency's advice and expertise to guide you and successfully carry out your campaign.

On TikTok, there are numerous codes and norms that are different from other social media platforms. To create a TikTok filter, you first need to analyze what types of filters are most commonly used and shared on TikTok. Users often crave filters that challenge them or allow them to create a unique universe. To ensure that the filter has a chance to go viral, it's also important to promote and give it visibility.

In terms of creativity, anything is possible on TikTok. From a technical standpoint, you have the option to use hand tracking, head tracking, body tracking, and background segmentation to bring your TikTok filter to life. Additionally, you can add animations to trigger predefined actions and enhance the filter's dynamism (examples: color changes, 3D/2D element appearance/disappearance, zoom effects, etc.).
Like all social media platforms that offer filters, TikTok has established guidelines for filter content. Violence, incitement to violence, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are prohibited themes on TikTok and therefore on TikTok filters. In terms of technical capacity, the filter file should not exceed 5MB and should not take more than 4 seconds to load.

The creation time of a filter depends on its complexity and the creation of assets. This can take between 2 days and 1 month, including feedback from our clients. In addition, there is the acceptance time of your filter by TikTok moderators, which can range from a few hours to a few days. If the filter is accepted, it will be published immediately; otherwise, the filter will need to be modified and a new request submitted. That's why it is important to adhere to the social media platform's conditions and policies from the beginning to avoid any surprises.

For the interactions:
– The number of impressions: This corresponds to the number of times the effect was displayed on a screen, so the number of people who saw the story of someone using the filter.
– The number of opens: This is the number of users who used the effect on the application.
– The number of captures: This corresponds to the number of people who used the effect by saving it on Facebook or Instagram.
– The number of saves: The number of times a person, after using the effect, saved it to their camera roll.
– The number of shares: This corresponds to the number of users who shared the effect in their story or via private message.

For audience:
– User gender
– Age range
– Top countries

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