Top 6 TikTok filters for Thanksgiving 2023

thumbnail blog post on TikTok filters for Thanksgiving

The 6 Best TikTok Filters for Thanksgiving Contact us Thanksgiving celebrations are all about socialising, sharing and creativity, and what better way to express that creativity than through the use of filters on TikTok, a platform that has captured the hearts of millions. The rise of TikTok filters has brought a whole new dimension to the way we [...].

Create a TikTok filter on the mobile application

How can I create a TikTok filter directly on the TikTok mobile application? Contact us Since November 2023, TikTok has released a major new feature on its application that allows you to create a TikTok filter on the mobile application without going through Effect House. This will open up the creation of personalised filters on TikTok to everyone without [...].

Top 5 TikTok filters for MotoGP

thumbnail blog post: top 5 TikTok filters for motogp

The 5 Best TikTok Filters for MotoGP Contact us In the teeming world of social networking, TikTok stands out as the platform of choice for expressing creativity through short, engaging videos. The interaction between users and content is amplified by a diverse range of filters, which can be used to add a unique touch [...].

The new beauty filter on Google Meet

the new beauty filter on Google Meet, thumbnail blog post

Discover the beauty filter on Google Meet: a revolution for online meetings Contact us The innovation of the beauty filter on Google Meet In a world where virtual meetings have become the norm, Google Meet strives to offer its users an exceptional experience. The beauty filter on Google Meet is one of the most recent features [...].

The Louvre x Snapchat: art and Snap filters

thumbnail blog post on the partnership between Snapchat and the Louvre

The partnership between Snapchat and Le Louvre: bringing ancient Egypt back to life through augmented reality Contact us Innovation at the heart of the partnership between Snapchat and Le Louvre In a world where technology and art are converging in unexpected ways, the partnership between Snapchat and Le Louvre has established itself as an innovative alliance, opening [...]

Top 6 Snapchat filters for New Year's Eve 2024

6 filters for New Year's Eve on Snapchat

The 6 Best Filters for New Year's Eve 2024 on Snapchat Contact Us In the dynamic and ever-changing world of social networking, Snapchat stands out for its ability to deliver unique and memorable experiences through its engaging and interactive augmented reality filters. As we prepare to welcome another year as the [...]

Filters in the customer journey

social network filters in the customer journey

Optimising the Customer Journey with Social Network Filters: a foolproof strategy Contact us In the dynamic world of digital marketing, social network filters in the customer journey have become an essential element in engaging and converting prospects. These innovative tools are not just fun gadgets, they're tools for [...].

TikTok 2 25 Hair Length filter

TikTok filter 2 25 Hair Length

The TikTok 2 25 Hair Length Filter: the new trend on TikTok Contact us Discover the TikTok 2 25 Hair Length Filter The world of beauty and hairdressing is constantly changing, and with the advent of social media, new trends are emerging every day. One of the most influential platforms in this [...]

Top 5 Instagram filters for F1

instagram filters for formula 1

The Best Instagram Filters for Formula 1 Contact Us Instagram filters for Formula 1 have quickly become a must-have for racing fans. Instagram, the popular platform for sharing photos and videos, has become a visual playground where Formula 1 fans can express their passion and [...].

Top 5 tattoo filters

The Best Instagram and Snapchat Tattoo Filters Contact Us Tattoo filters have become a staple of the social networking world, transforming the user experience on popular platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. These innovative filters allow users to visualise virtual tattoos on their skin in real time, offering a [...]