Optimising the Customer Journey with Social Network Filters: A foolproof strategy

In the dynamic world of digital marketing social network filters in the customer journey have become an essential element in engaging and converting prospects. These innovative tools are not just fun gadgets, but powerful instruments for enriching the customer experience. This article explores how to effectively integrate these filters into every stage of the customer journey.

Understanding the Customer Journey

Definition and importance

The customer journey refers to the different stages that a customer goes through from discovering a brand through to purchase and loyalty. In the context of social network filters in the customer journey, it is important to understand that this process is essential to maximise the impact of the filters.

Key stages in the Customer Journey

Each stage, from discovery, consideration and conversion to loyalty, offers unique opportunities to integrate social network filters to improve engagement and conversion.

  • Discovery : At this initial stage, potential customers discover the brand or product, often through content marketing strategies, advertising or recommendations.
  • Consideration: Customers evaluate and compare the options available between each competitor.
  • Conversion : This is the point at which prospects make the decision to buy.
  • Loyalty : After the purchase, the aim is to turn customers into brand ambassadors and encourage them to buy again.


Social network filters and their impact

Presentation of TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram filters

TikTok, Instagramand Snapchat have popularised the use of filters, making social network filters in the customer journey an important tool for marketers. This content is available thanks to augmented reality, a new technology that is constantly evolving. Each social network has its own augmented reality software and offers different types of filter. This allows companies to choose a social network according to their needs and target audience.

Impact on the customer journey

Filters increase interaction, participation and engagement, crucial elements for an optimised customer journey. These effects can be used to create a unique, immersive experience that leaves a positive impression on the user. As explained above, there are many different types of filter that can be used to meet users' expectations while offering a personalised effect in the brand's colours.

Integration of Social network filters in the Customer Journey

Discovery phase

Integrating social network filters into the customer journey to capture attention is an effective strategy. At this stage, it is important to showcase all aspects of the brand by offering a filter that transports the user into the brand's world. This can be done by highlighting a specific product or simply by sharing the company's values.

Consideration phase

During the consideration phase, the brand must above all show the added value of its company and its products in order to stand out from the competition. This can be done by integrating an Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok filter that helps users understand what makes you different from your competitors.

Conversion phase

The conversion phase is a crucial stage and involves convincing users that the product in question meets their needs. To this end, Instagram and Snapchat have set up AR product catalogues that allow users to view and try out products in 3D using try-on filters. The brand can also add a call to action to redirect users to the product sheet on the website.

Loyalty phase

Here, filters can be used to offer personalised experiences, strengthening the relationship with the customer and encouraging loyalty. Integrating social network filters into the loyalty phase will ensure that you remain present in your customers' daily lives.


At every stage of the customer's journey, filters can also be used to createUGC. When a user publishes a video or photo in a story or in Reels, they are spreading your content and becoming a sort of brand ambassador. So it's very easy to attract future customers and convert them using TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat filters.

By strategically integrating effects at every stage of the customer journey, companies can not only improve engagement and conversion, but also deliver an unrivalled customer experience, propelling their brand to the forefront of the digital stage. Companies should therefore adopt and experiment with social network filters in the customer journey to improve the customer experience throughout.