The beauty filter

Make your own beauty filter on TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat for your brand through our agency.

The beauty filter

Offer a beauty filter to promote your brand.

Beauty filters, as they are called by the Anglo-Saxons, have become a must on social networks. They allow users to change and modify their appearance in a few swipes, by playing with their complexion, make-up or even their face. But they also offer many opportunities to brands that can use them to promote their products of all ranges. Beauty filters can be tuned and adapted to the needs of each brand image, integrating their logo or highlighting their products via 3D visualization or the application of products on the user's face.

Beauty filters are effects that modify skin, make-up and facial shapes. Widely used on social networks, beauty filters also offer advantages to the brands that publish them. Indeed, for a cosmetic brand that wants to highlight one of their products, this filter can become very effective. A beauty filter can also offer users the opportunity to try on make-up thanks to the filter that will adapt the location of the make-up on the person's face. This is an effective way to make your filter go viral and offer content that many users like.

Cosmetics brands can now offer filters that allow users to virtually try on their make-up, and discover the textures and shades of the products in real time. It's a real revolution in the beauty sector, enabling cosmetics brands not only to boost their brand awareness, but also to reach a wider target audience and generate consumer support through an innovative digital marketing campaign.


The benefits of beauty filters

Beauty filters are also very popular with users and influencers, who can boost their creativity by using these retouching tools. They allow users to erase imperfections and enhance their appearance in the same way as a cosmetic product you might find in a shop. But beauty filters aren't just about changing physical appearance.

They can also be used to create humorous and artistic effects by playing with light, colourimetry or textures. In this way, users & followers can create original, attractive and surprising content that sparks interaction with their community and ultimately engagement in the form of UGC (user generated content).

Beauty filters are revolutionising the way we think about our appearance and image and have become a real social phenomenon. They offer endless possibilities to promote your image with relevant content that will differentiate you from your competitors and offer you a significant reach on different social media.

It is a medium that "speaks" to users, allowing you to create innovative and aesthetic content. By having this type of augmented reality experience in your marketing strategy you will be able to improve your visibility and potentially impact your sales on the e-commerce side.

Many advertisers are already using this type of solution, such as Yves Saint Laurent, who have already carried out this type of campaign with very good results. See our Use case YSL for more information.

If you want to stand out on social networks, generate engagement, attract your audience's attention and reinforce your image, don't hesitate to call on an agency specialising in the creation of Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok filters.

How to include a beauty filter in your campaign?

As a brand in the cosmetics and beauty industry, offering an augmented reality experience represents a real opportunity to reach your audience and new prospects through a different digital strategy and levers.

There are many ways to include a beauty filter. Here are the ones that get the best results.

Promoting make-up products

Firstly, use beauty filters to promote make-up products: Filters can be used to present make-up products in a fun and highly visual way. Users can see how the products are applied to their face, and be inspired to buy them, or even push them to buy via a CTA (call to action). This can give a very good return on investment.

Offer tutorials

It is also possible to offer filters for "tutorials": Filters can be used to help users learn how to apply beauty products or make-up. For example, filters can show how to apply products and give tips on how to get professional results (like the effect we designed for Payot).

Supporting a new product campaign

Another idea is to create filters for product launches. Users can discover products using the filters before or at the time of the launch to generate a visibility boost. These types of content can be sponsored and relayed by ambassadors such as influencers.

Organise a competition

In the same way you can offer filters for competitions on social networks. Users can use the filters to enter contests and win prizes. Followers and other users will be invited to post content about you in their news feeds, giving you exposure to an audience you don't yet reach.

To take this a step further, it is possible to create filters for special promotions such as commercial offers, private sales or special days such as Black Friday. Users can then take advantage of the offers through their use of the filter. For example, this could be a mini-game that unlocks an additional promotion via the augmented reality filter.

Creating & designing this type of digital communication campaign by including relevant keywords will enable you to create an effective content strategy and reach your target audience. All these marketing actions will also enable you to win the loyalty of new customers and reach a different type of prospect. Thanks to a consistent editorial line, you'll also be able to attract more targets to your website and increase your conversion rate. Users will also spend more time on your site, which could lead search engines to rank you better in the results and thus improve your natural referencing.

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