New for 2024 - BeReal invites brands and celebrities to its platform

BeReal, the social network with its emphasis on authenticity, is announcing a new stage: it is opening its doors to brands and celebrities. From 6 Februarythey can share moments from their authentic lives on the app, offering a different perspective to what they usually show on other platforms.


Another step towards profitability?

Users will be able to interact with this content by becoming RealFans" and mentioning the "RealFans" accounts. certified in their own publications. Although the names of the participants have not been revealed, it is possible to apply to join the programme via a form available in the application.

This decision marks a change to BeRealknown for its unfiltered interactions. However, despite its success with 23 million active users, the application has yet to find a business model. The homepage brands and public figures could be the start of a monetisation strategy, but it also raises questions about the future direction of the application.

Authenticity preserved

BeReal claims that this opening will demonstrate that personalities and brands are ordinary human beings, which they believe will help to mitigate the negativity often associated with social networks.