Top 10 Halloween filters for TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat 2023

Halloween is a festival that many people look forward to. Synonymous with fright and imagination, anything is possible during this period. It's also an opportunity for brands to stand out from their competitors by choosing a unique and interactive digital strategy. This is made possible by the augmented reality filters available on Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok. To help you imagine what's possible, here are 10 Halloween filters that will give users the shivers.

1- Terrible Clown

The Terrible Clown Halloween filter features the famous clown from the horror film Ça. With this Instagram filterYou'll be able to take on the role of a terrifying person to give you a Halloween scare. This filter was created in 3D by @daria.tsvet.

2- Dark Matter

The TikTok Dark Matter filter is very useful for Halloween, as the mask evolves slowly and very well. You can use it in photos or videos to suit your tastes.

Directed by @heartdraft.official


3- Ghost on the road

This TikTok Halloween filter takes up the trend born of a humorous filter. Here, instead of a running queen, we have a ghost wandering around a cemetery. This filter was created by @ty.taurus could well become a must-have on TikTok.

4- Scary Mary

Scary Mary is a filter created by @lastwild and specially designed for days like Halloween. You'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror wearing devilish make-up and writing will appear on the mirror.

5- Demon Monk

"Demon Monk is a TikTok filter filter, but this time with a terrifying twist: a demon's face appears when you open your mouth.

TikTok filter created by @jvizard

Halloween filters

6- Halloween filters: The Zombie

Here's a Halloween filter from Snapchat that makes a zombie appear on your body. This is possible thanks to the recognition and tracking available only on this social network. 

With this, you can cover the entire body of an animation to make your 3D effects even more realistic!


7- 🧠 SLICED 👁️

We wanted to introduce you to a filter proposed by an artist of augmented reality. This effect is very artistic and shows the high technology behind augmented reality filters. Ideal for Halloween, it can also be used for other occasions!


8- Chupachups Halloween

Chupachups also wanted to offer augmented reality content. With its game available on Instagram, both young and old can use the filter. As the target group of this candy giant is quite young, they did not want to offer an effect that was too scary and might not correspond to the expectations of their little consumers.


9- Haunted Dollhouse by NYX Cosmetics

Discover the imaginary atmosphere of NYX Cosmetics thanks to their filter offering various make-up for Halloween. NYX being a brand that offers a wide range of products for artistic makeup, it was not to miss the opportunity to seduce its target with a filter like this one!


10- Maybelline Ukraine

Halloween is one of the most important events for make-up brands. Maybelline Ukraine decided to offer a Halloween filter to promote one of its new products. It is a very good way to communicate a product with a filter that marks such a significant event.

Indeed, many users are looking for filters to celebrate Halloween and if this one is a beauty filter and at the same time quite original, it will be even more used by the community.