Finding and using Messenger's augmented reality filters

The tools offered by Messenger are more and more numerous. Since augmented reality is a central pillar not to be neglected for all applications, it was logical for Messenger to integrate it into its application. Thanks to this, it gives its users the opportunity to add virtual masks on the users' face, disguises or even decorations. 

Where do the Messenger filters ?

Launched in August 2019, Messenger is an instant messaging application created by the company Meta and is free for everyone. It is available on all mobile surfaces and operating systems. It allows its members to send messages, videos and photos, which can now be enhanced with augmented reality filters. 

A reminder Augmented Reality: Augmented reality is a recent technology that features the embedding of 2D and 3D content. This feature allows users to experience and test new things through their screens. From a brand's point of view it brings them a lot of visibility when they partner with platforms such as Messenger to promote their brand. 


Where to find the filters on Messenger ? Search ?

start the call and open the messenger application to access the augmented reality filters

1. Browse Messenger filters

First, open the Messenger application, start a call with your friend and then when you are both online press the "Effects" icon on the left of your screen. 

Have fun and scroll through all the filters at the bottom of the application. You can find three categories, one "For me", then a second "For everyone" and finally the "Backgrounds". These put a background behind you. 

2. Using a filter in augmented reality

Since the augmented reality is an addition of 2D or 3D content, you just have to stand in front of your camera for the filter to be activated. 

If you want a particular filter you can search for it using the small magnifying glass at the bottom right of your screen. Type in the name of your favourite filter in the search bar and let your correspondent discover it live. 

Top 3 of the best Messenger filters

The Santa Beard filter

Red hat and white beard, this Messenger filter allows you to take the appearance of Father Christmas. The augmented reality setting immerses you in the world of Christmas.

The Big Face filter

This augmented reality filter transforms your face by making your eyes and mouth stand out x10. It also transforms your voice when you talk to your friend.

The Minecraft Glasses Filter

The Minecraft Glasses filter makes you wear the classic video game sunglasses.