5 things not to do when creating an Instagram or Snapchat filter

Creating a filter for your brand seems like an easy task, but to ensure that it's effective, there are a few things you need to avoid doing. That's why in this article you'll find 5 things not to do when creating your filter.

1. Putting the logo or product too far forward

create an instagram filter

The first thing you shouldn't do is imitate a traditional advertising poster you see in the street or an advert on social networks. Filters are totally different from traditional content. A product should be promoted in a discreet way (like the image opposite) without simply putting the product right in the middle of the filter. Users will be more tempted by a filter that doesn't really show their logo or the product, and will be more likely to share it in a story. Instagram for example.

2. Neglecting the quality of the filter

The second thing you should not do is neglect the quality of the filter. The creation of a filter is not lambda content. Indeed, it is not enough to publish a simple filter for the marketing strategy to work. The filter must be coherent, entertaining and with good quality elements. To do this, you need to think about the meaning of the filter and the purpose of the campaign. Here are some questions to ask yourself to create a good quality filter:

  • What is the target audience?
  • What is the purpose of this filter?
  • What tone do you want to use?
  • What type of filter do you want to create (game, face animation, random)?


3. Writing too much text

As the first thing not to do, don't put a lot of text. AR filters are meant to illustrate an event or a moment. If the filter is full of text, users will be quite reluctant to use it as it won't be very pleasant to look at. 

Therefore, when creating a filter, keep the text short and use simple and effective animations to get your message across.

4. Copy another filter

Finally, don't copy filters already published by brands or designers. Sure, the filter may have gone viral, but there's no guarantee that yours will be used as much. 

However, you can still look at viral filters to understand what made them so popular. This way you can use the levers that worked to ensure your filter achieves the goals you set for it.

5. Do not activate the filter

The last point you should avoid is publishing the filter and waiting for it to be used. 

A filter that is just published without a communication campaign cannot work because no one will know it exists. Indeed, it is not like a story or a publication, the filter does not appear on the feed of your community and you must therefore communicate on it. You will therefore have to organise a communication campaign before publishing the effect so that your augmented reality filter is not visible. 

For this you can use several channels: 

  • Publications
  • Story
  • Front page story 
  • Sponsored content

Now that you've got all the tools you need to create your filter, all you have to do is get started! Discover our tips for organising your filter advertising campaign in our article.