XR Bazaar Augmented, virtual and mixed reality portfolio

The Lenslist platform focuses on the development of solutions in augmented reality, virtual reality and Mixed Reality has recently set up a new space called XR Bazaar. This space created in February 2023 gathers all the creators and agencies specialized in the conception of augmented reality filters in order to facilitate the access to companies interested in a project.

Why did Lenslist decide to launch XR Bazaar?

XR Bazaar

Design platforms already existed before Lenslist launched XR Bazaar, but they were too saturated, which hampered accessibility and prevented designers from standing out. It was also with the aim of centralising questions and requests from brands that Lenslist wanted to create this platform, as it often received requests for projects instead of designers. 

XR Bazaar has solved this by creating a platform entirely dedicated to creators of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality content. This space also democratises the recruitment and job search process for extended reality (XR) creators who often had difficulty finding a place in this field.


The interest for XR Bazaar and for the creators

Without a sufficient supply of portfolios from XR designers, there would be fewer and fewer projects proposed by customers. Without customers and projects, XR Bazaar would lose its usefulness and be forced to close its platform.

It is therefore essential that designers publish new content on a regular basis to enhance their portfolio and attract new projects to add to their portfolio. This will allow clients to see a wide range of their work and be more likely to offer a contract.

What you can do on XR Bazaar

XR Bazaar
  • Create a portfolio 

This allows designers to group all their creations on one page and thus be more visible to brands and potential customers. 

  • Highlighting the best projects

On XR Bazaar the order of XR creations counts! Designers can show off their best creations and showcase all their XR filter design skills.

XR Bazaar
  • Finding collaborators

Agencies such as Filter Maker can also find collaborators more easily for the realisation of a project thanks to XR Bazaar. 

  • Attracting more customers

With XR Bazaar XR designers can stand out from the competition and attract more customers. 

What is the difference between a designer Premium and a designer Ambassador ?

The opportunities for designers on XR Bazaar are numerous. By working for Lenslist and representing the new portfolio platform, they can spend Ambassador and be among the first profiles to appear on the creators page. 

For designers who do not want to work directly for Lenslist and therefore cannot benefit from the profile AmbassadorA second possibility is available to them: the Premium. As its name suggests, in exchange for a fixed subscription fee, creators who use it appear on the first page and thus get more visibility.

How does XR Bazaar see the year 2023?

Since the launch of the platform in February 2023, XR Bazaar has succeeded in achieving its first objective: to bring together more than 1,000 portfolios with the aim of attracting more brands and marketers. XR Bazaar has therefore devised a series of challenges for designers already on the platform. So, in March, all those who created a portfolio and completed the challenges received badges and points, which enabled them to rank higher in search results. 

Currently, users only have access to the beta version of the site. According to the platform, the official launch could begin in April, allowing everyone to search for designers, developers and agencies based on their pricing, location, skills and many other criteria. 

For June, the platform wants to launch job boards with the aim of having at least 50 offers by the end of August. This feature will allow users to search for a job on the platform or post ads.