Top 5 TikTok Filters in January 2024 : Buzz Videos

In 2023, Titkok will continue to reign supreme as the platform you need to be on to generate engagement and interest.UGC (User Generated Content). In the new year, Tiktok's expansion seems to be continuing, and the content produced seems to be performing as well as ever, captivating millions of users around the world.

Among the many features that make this platform so attractive, the filters occupy a place of choice. These innovative and amusing tools are transforming the user experience by allowing everyone to play games, become a superhero or try on clothes or make-up.

During the month of January 2024s, the TikTok filters have once again captured the imagination, giving rise to a new wave of content that is as entertaining as it is innovative.

In this article, we take a look at the Top 5 TikTok Filters in January 2024. Let's discover the filters that have generated buzzThe TikTok brand has inspired creativity and captured the imagination of users, helping to shape the TikTok experience at the start of the year.


1. keep Jerry safe

The aim of this effect is to set up barriers to protect Jerry the mouse from Tom the cat. The game has become popular and quickly became a challenge on the platform.

2. Funny Face filter challenge

The aim of this challenge, which uses augmented reality filters, is quite simple: Make the person you're with laugh. Each person will take a sip of water into their mouth and then use funny filters on Snapchat (funny face filter) which modify the user's appearance in an exaggerated way. By revealing their face using the filter, users are sure to make the person they are challenging laugh.

3. Hue ADIDAS Logo Painting

This filter is designed to fun and challenging. It features the adidas logo with a colour scheme that you have to try and reproduce by guessing the order. But it's more complicated than it looks, with a number of very funny videos !

4. Master Chef 2

In this video, you can see the tiktoker using the Master Chef 2 filter to make as many cuts as possible in the carrot. All you have to do is tap as many times as possible on the screen during the twenty seconds of the timer.

5. Random Pride Eye

In the following different tiktok make-up filters are used to generate looks which the make-up artist can then try to reproduce in real life. The user can try up to 6 to challenge herself and test her skills. This type of video has become popular with those who do make-up videos.

In conclusion, the Top 5 TikTok Filters of January 2024 have once again proved that creativity on this platform knows no bounds.