TikTok to launch a new photo-sharing application

Made public on Monday 11 March in a message from the leaker AssembleDebug (of the media The SpAndroid) has revealed intriguing changes in the code of the TikTok application. It would appear that ByteDance, the parent company of TikTokis preparing the ground for the launch of a new application, TikTok Photos, which will focus exclusively on photo sharing.

A new application hidden in the main code?

According to the APK code extracts presented by AssembleDebug, TikTok Photos will be integrated into the main app, allowing users to sync their content between the two platforms. A clear announcement message has also been uncovered, confirming that TikTok Photos will be launched soon and will offer users the chance to reach new audiences.

This initiative marks a significant change in TikTok's strategywhich until now has dominated the short-form video market. By exploring the photo format, TikTok directly challenges Instagramwhich in recent years has tried to copy the success of TikTok with its Reels format and other similar features.


Tiktok speeds up on the photo:

It is interesting to note that TikTok has already introduced photo carousels at the end of 2022, and recently some American creators received notifications encouraging them to publish more photos on the platform. This new foray into the world of photography is not a complete surprise, but it does represent a significant change in TikTok's strategy.

ByteDance is not making its first attempt to compete head-on with Instagram. A year ago, the company launched Lemon8an application described as being "halfway between Pinterest and Instagram", but which failed to gain a foothold in the United States despite initial interest.

Integrating TikTok Photos into the main app could potentially give it an edge, by leveraging the vast user base already established by TikTok. This strategy is reminiscent of Instagram's Threads strategy.

TikTok, whose future in the United States remains uncertain due to various legislative pressures, has not yet officially announced this new project.