Artificial intelligence in Lens Studio: Snapchat presents Lens Studio 5.0

Snap recently launched the beta version of Lens Studio 5.0, marking a decisive turning point in the field of augmented reality (AR). This major update to their AR development suite incorporates advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, promising to dramatically improve productivity and deliver enriched user experiences.

Innovative collaboration between Snapchat and OpenAI

A remarkable aspect of Lens Studio 5.0 is the partnership between Snap and OpenAI. This collaboration allows developers to integrate the ChatGPT functionality in their LensesThis has opened the door to the creation of interactive and educational text-based content for Snapchat users. Imagine endless quizzes, rolling (random) filters, and lenses that automatically change the camera style based on user input - all now possible thanks to AI.


Artificial Intelligence in Lens Studio: Beyond the Chatbot

Although Snap has already exploited OpenAI's GPT technology with its chatbot My AILens Studio 5.0 marks a broader and more innovative use of AI. This advance demonstrates Snap's continued commitment to exploring the capabilities of AI to enrich the user experience.

Easy creation of 3D facial masks

A notable aspect of Lens Studio 5.0 is the partnership between Snap and OpenAI. This collaboration allows developers to integrate the ChatGPT functionality into their Lenses, paving the way for the creation of interactive and educational text content for Snapchat users. Imagine infinite quizzes, rolling (random) filters, and lenses that automatically change the camera style based on user input - all now possible thanks to AI.

Increased productivity and improved collaboration

The new version of Lens Studio promises a significant increase in productivity, with projects loading up to 18 times faster. What's more, the integration of version control tools such as Git facilitates collaboration between developers, enabling complex projects to be managed simultaneously.

Artificial Intelligence in Lens Studio: Impact on the AR Market

With over 330,000 developers and nearly 3.5 million Lenses generated, Snap's AR platform is already making a huge impact. The integration of AI into Lens Studio 5.0 is likely to increase this influence even further, offering more elaborate design possibilities and attracting new creators and users.

The introduction of artificial intelligence into Lens Studio with version 5.0 represents a major step forward for Snap and for the world of augmented reality. By combining the innovative capabilities of AI with enhanced AR development tools, Snap is paving the way for richer, more interactive user experiences, redefining the possibilities of augmented reality.