TikTok introduces a new search shortcut

TikTok continues to extend its reach in the technology industry with a new feature that could well be a game-changer for online search engines. The social platform, popular with Generation Z, has introduces a search shortcut to the user home screenThe aim is to strengthen its role as an alternative search engine.

Why a new search shortcut?

TikTok strongly encourages its users to adopt a new search shortcutto make exploring content on the platform easier and more enjoyable.

This initiative was set up to encourage more people to use TikTok's search function instead of simply browsing the videos recommended by the algorithm. This shortcut is designed to simplify content discovery on TikTok, so that users prefer to search on the app rather than turning to Google search.

This initiative is part of a trend already observed whereby 64 % of US Generation Z users use TikTok as their search engineTikTok's users prefer the platform to traditional search engines such as Bing or Google. TikTok is seeking to capitalise on this preference by making it easier to find content on its platform, which could encourage users to prefer TikTok to Google for their online searches.

The Chinese platform, already well established with its advanced features in its local version, Douyin, offers users the possibility of searching for local businesses and even ordering food directly via the app. This integration of advanced search functionscoupled with experimentation with the research AI-assistedTikTok's new website strengthens its position as a serious competitor to Google in the online search market.


Tiktok: a multifunction tool for gen Z

With 170 million active users in the US and almost 2 billion worldwide, TikTok vis aim to become a must-visit shopping destination, by highlighting relevant product matches.

In addition to this initiative, TikTok has also introduced advertising in search resultsunderlining its ambition to become more than just an entertainment platform. This diversification of TikTok as a multifunctional tool, generating sales and conversions for brands and businesses, represents a direct challenge for Google, particularly with the younger generations.

In short, TikTok is showing its determination to extend its influence as a research platform and content discovery. With this new feature and other initiatives to come, TikTok is positioning itself as a serious competitor in the field of online search enginesThis opens the door to potential competition with established companies such as Google. This development promises to redefine the landscape of online search and content discovery in the years to come.