Snapchat launches augmented reality mirrors

The social network Snapchat is currently experiencing difficulties with its advertising business. It has therefore decided to focus on augmented reality and is launching augmented reality mirrors. 

Augmented reality fittings

Bobby Murphy, co-founder of Snapchat and CTO of the American multinational, says that their aim is to ".ensure that people use their time more effectively in the world rather than immersing themselves in a virtual world". This is where augmented reality mirrors come into their own, offering users and shoppers the chance to try on clothes in a shop using augmented reality.

augmented reality mirror snapchat

This technology Snapchat aims to enable consumers to visualise their appearance in different clothes without having to physically try them on in a fitting room. This not only saves time, but also avoids the frustration of waiting in a queue to access a fitting room or the disappointment of not finding the size or colour they want. Augmented reality mirrors also benefit shops, enabling them to minimise the cleaning and tidying of fitting rooms.


Where are the augmented reality mirrors available?

The availability of the new augmented reality mirrors will initially be limited to partners with whom Snapchat has important relationships. This is the case with Nike, which tested augmented reality mirrors in its Williamsburg shop in October 2022. The tests were very conclusive, and Nike is now offering augmented reality mirrors in several of its shops across the United States.

Other partners such as Coca-Cola and Live Nation Entertainment Inc will soon be able to benefit from this new augmented reality technology. Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel has pledged to respond to requests from its partners and make more augmented reality mirrors available.

Snapchat's future plans for augmented reality

Its partnership with Coca-Cola is enabling Snapchat to innovate even further and to seek out more ideas with augmented reality. He proposed a project that would work with the chain's vending machines: as soon as a customer waves his hand at the machine, he can pick up a drink, check out the products, win prizes and play games. 

A second new feature working with augmented reality should soon be arriving on the app. Still in the planning stages, this feature will enable users to find their way around a festival using the augmented reality compass and 3D map developed by the app. 

In the same vein, Snapchat has announced the launch of its own ChatBot called "My AI" this year.