Amazon Anywhere: the first in-game shop concept on Peridot

Amazon recently launched its first in-game virtual shop in an augmented reality game: Peridot. This shop allows players to buy products directly in the game without leaving the application.

Amazon Anywhere: Amazon's new concept for fitting in everywhere

Amazon Anywhere is a concept that allows consumers to find products to buy without leaving the application they were on. Amazon is a giant looking to expand everywhere and sell everywhere. This concept is an excellent way of achieving that goal, as it can be integrated into any application to create an in-game virtual shop. Amazon Anywhere will not stop at games on mobile applications, but aims to integrate into virtual worlds, video games and other types of mobile applications. To provide an optimised shopping experience, users will just need to log in with their Amazon credentials, and purchases are also eligible for Prime membership benefits.


The first in-game shop will be available on Peridot

Peridot is an augmented reality game available on all smartphones. It was launched on 9 May by Niantic, the creator of the famous Pokemon Go mobile game, which is the leader in mobile games incorporating augmented reality. This mobile game lets you raise creatures as you would with a Tamagotchi, while using augmented reality to immerse yourself in the world of the game.

amazon anywhere in-game shop concept on peridot

Amazon Anywhere allows players to buy merchandising (T-shirts, plush toys) directly on the app, so they can quickly purchase goodies to support the creators and developers. Amazon's in-game shop concept for this game is only available in the United States at the moment, but could soon be rolled out worldwide.

For the time being, the possibility of offering benefits to players who buy from the Amazon shop is still in development, but this option could soon be launched to encourage users to buy from Amazon Anywhere.

Amazon Anywhere: the start of a new era in e-commerce

The concept of Amazon Anywhere does not come from nowhere. Over the last few years, we've seen the development of shopping functionalities on social networks that allow users to buy directly from the social media application on brand shops. Amazon wanted to compete with all this and get a head start on the future by offering an interface where it is possible to buy physical products in virtual environments.

Until now, shopping in virtual worlds has been limited to purchases of virtual currency and digital objects, with no easy way to buy physical products. We want to change that" Amazon explains in a press release.

As a result, it will be very easy for the giant Amazon to establish itself rapidly in many applications and games, without having any real competitors at the moment.