Why should brands include a filter on their social network in 2024?

Since 2019, brands have had the opportunity to create their own dhe filters on social networks. First on Snapchat thanks to GeoFilters and Lens, Instagram and TikTok have also made this possible. Little impogether with the social network, it's important to understand what a filter does. The filter is the only content on social networks today that is organically viral. On social networks, we call this UGC (User Generated Content). The content hosted on the brand's account will be offered to users, who will then be invited to use it and share it with their own community. If you're not sure which social network to choose, here are some parameters to help you make your choice:

Instagram Filter

Instagram is an ideal social network for beauty filters and virtual fittings. Whether you're trying on make-up or displaying a sofa in your living room in augmented reality, Instagram filters are the best way to communicate with users.

Council Instagram limits the size of filters to 4 MB. So if you want to include good-quality 3D elements, you'll be limited very quickly.


TikTok Filter

TikTok filters are currently (in 2024) the most used filters by users. Engagement on TikTok is unrivalled and content created with filters (augmented reality) is boosted by TikTok's algorithm. So the best filters to create right now are 'Challenge' filters. Users love to challenge each other on the platform.

Council Integrate gamification elements such as a timer, a score and sound into the filter. This can boost your reach.

Snapchat Filter

Snapchat filters are the most technologically advanced today, thanks to the development software "Lens Studio. If you wish to communicate With a young audience and impressive content, Snapchat is the best solution.

Council Boost your content by using influencers. Community filters on Snapchat are unquestionably the most viral thanks to this communication channel.