The best Instagram and Snapchat tattoo filters

Tattoo filters have become a fixture in the world of social networking, transforming the user experience on popular platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. These innovative filters allow users to view virtual tattoos on their skin in real time, offering a realistic glimpse of how a tattoo might look without the ongoing commitment. In this article, we'll explore the best tattoo filters available, the ones that have captured the imagination of body art enthusiasts around the world.

Each tattoo filter is designed to realistically fit the contours of the body, providing an impressive visual representation of what a real tattoo might look like. Whether you're an artist looking to showcase your designs or a body art enthusiast exploring different tattoo options, tattoo filters on Instagram and Snapchat are invaluable tools.

1. Instagram tattoo filters: Bullish in NYC

There are lots of these tattoo filters on Instagram, each with a different city. The tattoos in the video are for New York, but you can also find a Bullish Paris tattoo filter.

2. The Snapchat tattoo filter: Hand Tattoos

You can also find tattoo filters on Snapchat. Snapchat is a good example of this, as it allows you to add tattoos to your hands as well as your face, thanks to hand tracking.


3. The Instagram filter: Neon Tattoo

This Insta filter doesn't add tattoos to your skin, but it does add a neon and light effect that highlights your real tattoos. It adds an artistic effect to your videos or photos.

4. Periféricos Tatuagem

This Instagram filter is able to scan and recognise a specific tattoo and then launch an animation related to the tattoo. This is made possible by image recognition, which is available on Instagram and Snapchat.

5. Tattoo Fest 2023

On the occasion of the Tattoo Fest 2023Campo Grande has created an Instagram filter featuring tattoos and a frame made up of visual elements from the event.