The Magic Leap 2 augmented reality headset will be available on 30 September 2022

The new AR headset developed by Magic Leap and dedicated to businesses will be available at the end of September. Find out more about this new headset and how businesses can use it!

Magic Leap 2, a headset dedicated to businesses


Magic Leap, a company specialising in augmented reality, has developed a new headset, the Magic Leap 2. It will be available on 30 September and will be sold at a price of 3 299 $ for the basic version. Magic Leap's main objective is to meet the performance and ergonomic needs of businesses and developers. As for its availability, the headset will be available on American and European markets. After the Magic Leap one, the company is back with a new headset especially dedicated to professionals. With advanced and high quality technology, the Magic Leap 2 is ideal for companies and developers wishing to discover and use augmented reality "in a more advanced way" explains the group.


Different features available

To make theAR experience In order to make it even more immersive, unique and responsive to everyone's needs, companies and developers can choose between three different versions of the headset. The first is the basic edition, which allows users to use the augmented reality platform for commercial deployments or production environments for example. With a 1 year warranty, and priced at 3,299 $, this version is the first price point for Magic Leap 2. The second edition is the Developer Pro. Ideal for professionals using AR applications, it gives a "access to development tools, sample projects, enterprise features and access to monthly releases for development and testing" explains the group. This edition, more dedicated to developers, will be sold at 4 099 $. The last version, called Enterprise, sold at 4,999 $, will correspond to companies looking for a multifunctional headset, particularly for large-scale deployments. 

Augmented reality in the professional world

Augmented reality is increasingly used in the professional world. A real aid in everyday life, it can be used to support teams in the creation and production of products, for example. Thanks to the superimposition of virtual elements in 2D and/or 3D on reality, companies can visualise processes, products and, in general, anything they want in order to offer a product that meets their customers' expectations. This is the ambition of Magic Leap with the release of its headset at the end of the month.

The Magic Leap 2 is packed with features and innovations including "dynamic gradation".. This option then allows the light transmission to be adjusted from 22 % to 0.3 %. The field of view is also enlarged and the frame rate is improved to 120 Hz. All the options offered by the group via this headset thus make it possible to improve and participate in the active development of companies while adapting to their needs.

AR/VR glasses and headsets projects are therefore multiplying to meet the needs of both individuals and professionals. Without a doubt, new products will arrive little by little to the delight of users!