Augmented reality to take hold in Google's search engine

For more than a year Google has been experimenting with augmented reality. This consists of integrating 3D objects into the serps (the different proposals for answering your query) that you can project into your environment.

A Google feature still under test


For the moment, augmented reality is available for animals and is in partnership with some companies such as Volvo or NASA. Although this feature is quite fun and entertaining, Google has launched this experiment to help companies improve the shopping experience. Indeed, augmented reality is becoming more and more useful and effective in optimising the user and purchase journey for many reasons and Google has understood this. Augmented reality will therefore have a special place in the search engine that will make its navigation immersive and captivating for all users and sellers on the internet. For the moment, no announcement from Google allows us to know when this solution will be available for all websites and businesses.

For the moment, no announcement from Google allows us to know when this solution will be available for all websites and businesses.


How does augmented reality work on Google?

All this is possible thanks to the 3D integration of the object, which can then be projected through the user's smartphone camera. Thus a cheetah can appear in your living room and you can even immortalise the moment thanks to the "capture" function available.

The only constraint for a person who would like to access this option is the possession ofan android smartphone or a tablet compatible with ARCore version 1.9. The handling is quite simple as you just have to do a google search and look for the little item "View in 3D" and then choose the "View in AR".