Creation of NFT filters on Instagram

Build your brand with NFT filters on Instagram.

We Create your NFT Filters for Instagram

With our agency Filter Maker you can create your NFT filter on Instagram. Our agency listens to you and accompanies you in the realization of your effect. Discover the process we put in place for our clients.

Our Support

1 - Your objectives

We discuss with you to understand your objectives and the briefs of the Instagram filter.

2 - Creation

We create the necessary assets and designs according to your objectives and expectations.

2 - Publication

After your approval, we publish the filter on your Instagram account.

2 - Debriefing

At the end of the campaign, we analyze the performance of the Instagram filter to offer you even more effective content.


Filter Maker accompanies the leading brands and agencies around the world in their communication objectives by creating effective NFT filters.

Instagram The NFTs are integrated into the social network

It's official, since May 2022, the social network has made official the integration of NFT on Instagram. Digital Collectibles will allow you to present your NFTs in a portfolio to all your subscribers. This is a benefit to brands who have embarked on NFTs as they will be able to present them to their community and increase their visibility.


Digital Collectibles features

4 features are available in this new update:

  • Connecting your digital wallet : it allows creators or collectors to choose from their portfolio which NFTs they want to share on Instagram
  • Share your Digital Collectibles : When the user posts an NFT on Instagram, a shiny effect will appear and they can give information on it such as a description.
  • The creator and the collector will be automatically tagged
  • NFT filters on Instagram: It is also possible to create a filter that contains your NFT on Instagram. This allows users to project themselves into an augmented reality world and see the NFT in a more real and metaverse way.
Generated Impressions
Created for Brands
Shares in Stories

NFT filters on Instagram

In order to offer a complete functionality, Instagram proposes to create NFT filters with the option "See in AR". At first it will be possible to project your NFT in 2D but 3D will soon be possible. An NFT filter on Instagram will allow creators and collectors to share their content in stories. Thus, it will be possible to make NFTs that are only virtual more real and tangible.


The benefits of NFT filters on Instagram

  • Accessibility of CLFs : through Instagram filters, this will give an opportunity to discover, share and enjoy NFTs.
  • Visibility of creators : As explained above, the creators and collectors will be tagged on the post. This will make it easier for collectors to discover works that may interest them.
  • A new way for brands to connect with their community: NFT on Instagram and NFT filters on Instagram allow brands to offer different and original content to their community. By doing this, brands offer an immersive experience.
  • Augmented reality is a marketing lever: AR has become a central element in the brand strategy and makes NFT more accessible and democratised for all.
+ 30%
Increased conversion
More time on the platform
+ 20%
Interaction with your content


An NFT is a Non-Fungible-Token that represents virtual items of which there is only one owner. Thus, a certificate of ownership is given when the NFT is purchased and prevents other people from using this NFT. For more information, please visit our page dedicated to NFTs.

An NFT filter on Instagram is a filter that projects your virtual NFT into the real environment. It therefore allows you to look at the work more closely and concretely from Instagram.

Web 3 is the new version of the Internet. It includes NFTs, the metaverse and artificial intelligence. For the moment, this new generation is not yet 100% developed but it is developing very quickly, particularly in terms of NFTs. For more information on Web 3, you can go to our dedicated page.

Offering an NFT filter on Instagram when you are a brand allows you to increase the visibility of content that is not normally accessible on social networks. In addition to this, more and more brands are offering NFTs and making them visible on Instagram helps to sell them faster.

NFT filters on Instagram are still only available in 2D format of the NFT. Thus, it is difficult to integrate an NFT that is normally in 3D into a filter. However, you can still create an Instagram filter of your NFT but it will not be linked directly to your NFT's portfolio.

The only difference between the two is not in the performance of the filter but rather in its functionality. Indeed, NFT filters on Instagram are only available on the NFT post. Thus, only the collector and the creator can use the filter in the story. On the other hand, you have more creative possibilities on an Instagram filter to create a unique immersive experience.

For the time being, the NFT filters on Instagram are not available on Facebook. However, the Meta group indicated in its press release that Facebook would soon offer the same feature but that it was still in development.

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